Just design goodness. Chunky or smooth.

Some of my collected writings, musings and thinkings. Occasionally they will make sense.

There was a power cut and we all found ourselves

There’s a kind of mental check-down you go through when it happens: Pop. Your screen goes blank. Your ears feel weird for a second as they are assaulted by the silence. Then (in our case) the shrill ‘BEEP!’ of the server’s surge protection battery backup thingy kicks in. Every. 15. Seconds.

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Dan MasonComment
What is it you do again?

When I'm in social situations and people ask me what I do and I say "I'm a designer" they often say "Oh, what of?" followed by some sort of helpful guess like "fashion?" (to which my internal voice replies "Seriously? are you looking at me?") I go on to explain that I'm actually just a graphic designer in a design studio and, to those who haven't now sidled off to talk to someone more interesting, this is now perfectly clear. Cheers, I'll have a Peroni.

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Dan Mason Comment